Thursday, February 25, 2010

Drawing activity using a Paint Programme

SIZE: 24-bit bitmap- 180KB

SIZE:monochrome bitmap- 7.56KB

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Skills needed for digital art

For digital art, you definitely would not need any skills that you need for traditional art.

However, you do need to know how to use the paint or drawing programme to create your art.
One common thing that both of the artists need is the concept behind their art. At the end of the day, the artist must be able to convey the meaning behind the artwork to the audience. so the artist must have a creative and an imaginative brain.

Advantages of digital art.

Digital art clearly has its own advantages. Some of them are listed below:
  • If you did a mistake you wouldnt have to start all over again, you can just press undo or delete or erase the unwanted parts.
  • You can overlap objects and try to see where the objects would fit in, whereas in the traditional art you can only imagine, not see because you can't redo the art again.
  • You would not have to have the skill of careful hand painting because this is digital art, but you would need to manouver the mouse carefully. Your inner talents could burst out neatly in an electonic format.
  • You can make multiple copies of the same drawing, you enlarge it or make it smaller.
  • you would not have to carry your artwork around and protect it continuously incase it gets ruined. It could just be in your USB

Microsoft Paint's Tools' descriptioD

These are the various kinds of tools used in Microsoft paint. below is a description of each of these tools:-

Free Form select: Allows you to select a specific part of your painting, this part can be of any shape and you can select around the specific parts. Then you can cut, copy, or paste that part.

Select: Allows you to select a specific part of your painting, this part can only fit in a rectangular selection space. Then you can cut, copy, or paste that part.

Eraser: Allows you to erase parts of a painting. By pressing right-click on one of the colors at the bottom, you can change the colour of the eraser. This is because if you have a black, red, or a green background, the eraser rubs back the part and fills it with the original background.

Fill: As its name suggests, it fills enclosed objects with whatever colour you choose.

Pick colour: Allows you to get the exact colour you want by selecting it and then clicking on the colour(maybe from a picture that is on MS paint) you want to paint with.

Magnifier:Allows you to magnify to accurately draw, colour or fill drawings.

Pencil: Allows you to write and draw in a free form way. You can use this when you want to draw objects which are not preloaded on paint.

Brush: Allows you to do the same as a pencil, but it has different selections of brushes to choose from and it is darker than a pencil.

Airbrush: This allows you to potentially "spray" your chosen colour on the paint document. You can choose how closely or farther the particles are placed.

Text: Allows you to write text from a chosen font, stlye and size

Line: Allows you to draw a straight line- whether it is horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

Curve: Allows you to draw smooth curves.

Rectangle: Allows you to draw rectangles of all shapes and sizes. However, if you want to keep the length and width in proportion you can hold down the shift button.

Polygon: Allows you to draw ant two dimensional shapes. If you want a more perfect shape, you can hold down the shift button to make tall of the angles either 45 or 90 degrees.

Ellipse: Allows you to draw ellipses and circles of all shapes and sizes. However, if you want equal proportions, you can press the shift button to create a circle.

Rounded rectangle: Allows you to do the same thing as rectangles except that these shapes have rounded edges.

Is digital art a valid form of art??

Digital form is a real form of art because art is not all about how good an art piece looks like, it is also because of the unique concept behind the artwork...
There are people who compete in digital art which means that everyone has a fair chance of winning. The people who are using digital art are not telling the other artists to not use the digital help. In conclusion, i think digital art is a valid form of art because art is judged upon the creator's concepts, views and their meaning towards the artwork.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Graphic Terms

Jpeg: Full form is joint photographic experts group. Digital cameras and other photographic image capturers use jpeg as the most common source for storing and broadcasting images on the net.

Frame: a frame is a part of a vedio. it is one separate pictiure which makes up a whole continuous vedio. a series of frames/images make up a motion picture.

Crop: To cut off unwanted parts of an image. it is different to resizing it as resizing makes the picture smaller with all of the pixels in it but crop cuts off the pictures in it.

Flip: To turn over an image, usually horizontally or vertically.

Mirror: To turn an image over, just like flipping but to cast the opposite side of a picture.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Programmes !!!

There can be be two different kinds of art programmes.

  • Draw programmes have separate objects which always makes it easier edit the picture.
  • They always look like "cartoons"
  • Vector images (mathmatical formula)


  • you can specifically edit each of the pixels
  • there are no objects in the file so you cannot particularly move a part
  • these pictures are realistic as you are editing every pixel.
  • these are bitmap images( grid defining each pixel. it defines colour and brightness

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is art??? The quality, production, expression, realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.


This artwork has been created in the tools that i really liked were the stampers and you can see that i used spirals and similey faces....

Inkscape Art-- a draw programme

This is an art made by me through Inkscape. This is a draw programme. I was fascinated by the smudge tool and my whole drawing is based on this tool.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Colour Depth and Sampling Rate

Colour depth effects both still and video digital media. Sampling rate only effects video but not still media.
Sampling rate can only effect video because the still media is, itself, a sample. Sampling rate means the rate of how many still medias are taken per second in (in this case) a video. Colour depth will remain the same in either video or still media because the number of bits that represent a colour in a pixel wont change suddenly.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Colour depth

Colour depth is used to describe how many bits represent a colour in a pixel which might be on a digital picture. The differences in in clour depth are shown below:



Sampling Rate

The sampling rate is the rate at which the samples are taken per second that have been taken from a continuous signal such as a video camera etc... to make a distinct signal such as the picture shown on the left.


A bit is a basic unit in computing which can be used to store information by a device. it can only have two different values-0 or 1

A byte is composed of bits, usually 8 bits. it is a unit of information in computing

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Forms of digital media that surround us:
#Digital audio
#Digital art
#Digital video
#Digital contents
#Digital photos

The system used for succesful computing is called the "Binary Numeral System" The two digits used to code all digital data are 0 and 1

i will continue with my work next lesson

FiRst BloG

Today i have just formatted the time zone and edited my blog that i created yesterday. soon we will be getting on with our work on digital media...