Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have finally chosen what I was going to do.
My final idea was to put some purple grapes on the top-left hand corner of the page. Then a hand will appear and it will touch each of the grapes. Upon touching the grapes they will fall to the ground. When they touch the ground a letter will appear in the grapes. These letters will eventually form the words "Go Dobson". There will be a little explosion when the hand touches each of the grapes and also when the grapes touch the ground. Then different coloured rays will come from outside the screen. these rays will point at a specific grape and it will send a letter. These letters are the beginnings of each houses' names and the rays will also be the colour of the house. Then a man will come and eat all of the different coloured grapes except for purple. then the remaining purple grapes will fall on to the gound. then the Grapes which are on the floor which say GO DOBSON will grow bigger and then exclamation marks will come from underneath.
That is the end.

I have use Inkscape as my programme. this is because i found it extremely easy to use and move the objects when compared to the pencil programme. You could also use a lot of tools in Inkscape which meant that the characters I created will be neat. These are the reasons for why I chose inkscape.

There were a number of steps that I followed to make my frames. I drew many vector images (such as the grapes, letters, rays and face) and each time I moved an object I exported the files as png and when I was done for the day I saved it as an svg so that i can edit it again.

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